How to create Custom Windows 10 Image

Go to: and create the Windows 10 ISO with the default name Windows.iso

Use this ISO to install Windows 10 and add a second Drive D: (the letter is not important)

Copy Windows.iso the newly created computer

Customize the installation by adding the needed applications

Shutdown the computer and boot it from CD in repair mode and type the command below

dism /capture-image /imagefile:D:\install.esd /capturedir:c:\ /name:”NewISO” /compress:maximum

After the creation of the install.esd is done start the computer and download anyburn free edition

Start anyburn and go to edit image file and open Windows10.iso, the image that we use to install the OS.

Go to sources, delete and add the new install.esd file

If you are going to use the ISO on virtual then yo can just attach the ISO and install the computer

If you are going to use it on a physical computer then use rufus to create bootable USB.

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