Change DC Name

  1. Take a Standard checkpoint of the Domain Controller if this is a Virtual Machine or take a Full Windows backup if this is a physical machine. This will ensure that any errors you get along the process you can revert back. If there are multiple DCs in the domain I suggest a Full Backup or Standard checkpoint of each prior to starting this task.
  1. Adding an alternate computer name
    • netdom computername oldname-dc-01 /add:newname-dc-01
  1. Make the new name the primary
    • netdom computername oldname-dc-01 /makeprimary:newname-dc-01
  1. Reboot the server
    • shutdown /r /t 0
  1. Remove old hostname
    • netdom computername newname-dc-01 /remove:oldname-dc-01
  1. Once you are happy the Domain controller has been renamed, check Event Logs and run DCDIAG to check for any errors then remove/merge the snapshots if this is a virtual machine

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